Tips for Building a Gym At Home


Have you always wanted a gym located within the comfort of your home? Whether you prefer working out in isolation or feel uncomfortable at a public gym, there could be many reasons why a home gym works well. Added advantages of exercising at home include ease of managing your everyday tasks, uninterrupted supervision of children and affordability. You can get some basic equipment that isn’t as expensive, such as a set of dumbbells, skipping rope and even a weighing machine that can help monitor your weight.


However, building your gym may require prior planning and capital. If budget is not your concern, then a number of top quality machines are available to help you focus on specific body parts, such as your chest, legs, stomach, back, etc. A home gym is always a worthwhile investment because it not only keeps you in shape but your entire family can use it and lead healthy lives.


How to Build a Home Gym


Depending on your budget and space, you can choose to get equipment such as jump ropes, weighing machines, medicine balls, barbells and even a high quality stereo system, to set the mood. Here are a few steps on building the right exercise space at home:


  • Finding space: Whether you choose a room, a basement or a part of your corridor, you must have adequate space in your home gym. Keep in mind that big and small equipment, such as a treadmill or electric weighing machine, require electricity sockets to work. The area must have adequate ventilation and lighting too.

  • Mirror and door: Fitness experts claim that mirrors are necessary to help you judge your routine. For example, floor workouts performed at an odd angle can cause internal muscle injuries. To avoid such a situation, it is a good idea to exercise in a room that has a full length mirror on one wall. A closed door setup, would allow you to engage in a long and uninterrupted workout routine.

  • Air conditioner: Do not commence your routine directly in front of the air conditioner, since this could do more harm than good. Your body temperature and heartbeat will rise while working out, causing you to sweat profusely. A direct gush of cold air from the air conditioner can have negative implications and result in loss of general health at such times. However, if you stay in a humid city, you can install an air conditioner in the corner, since it might help counteract dehydration. Also, consider having a water storage rack nearby, since it is important to remain hydrated.

Essential Equipment for your Home Gym

Always go for easy-to-handle and hazard-free gym equipment. A number of basic tools, along with certain machines, can help complete your set up. Here is a list of the essential items you should consider:

  • A pair of dumbbells for your arms, shoulders and chest.

  • A pull up bar for chin ups and back exercises.

  • Weight plates of varying masses. Increase the weight of plates as per your body strength.

  • A sturdy barbell for forearm and chest lifts.

  • A weighing machine to monitor your weight.

  • A medicine ball for ab exercises and cardio.

  • A jump rope to work on speed, strength and agility.

  • At least one cardio machine, such as an exercise bike or treadmill.

  • An adjustable bench can help you with a number of incline, decline and flat bench exercises.

With such equipment and proper planning, you can easily stay in shape without having to worry about gym fees, waking up early to miss the rush and other hassles of having to leave the house to exercise.

Rainy Season Car Maintenance Tips

Rain Season is here. Besides enjoying the rain, maintaining your car is one more thing that deserves your attention. Since summer is an ideal time to go on a holiday, you must get your car checked thoroughly before you hit the road. This season is not just tough on your skin but also on your car as the summer heat is harsher than normal. If you do not wish to get stranded in the scorching heat, apply these simple tips to protect your car against the perils of summer.


Oil and coolant levels

Check the level of engine oil and coolant periodically especially before the summer season arrives as the engine oil loses viscosity when it is exposed to high temperatures. As you know, oil acts as a lubricating agent and is responsible for the smooth functioning of your car. You must replace your car engine oil after every 5000-7000 kms or as advised by the manufacturer or service centre. An optimum level of engine oil will prevent your car against engine damages. Another factor that could damage your engine is overheating. Make sure the coolant level is optimum as it will keep the engine cool and efficient.  


Interior cooling

Proper air conditioning in the car is a very important factor while travelling in summer. Get your car air conditioner checked thoroughly. If your air conditioner is cooling below its normal capacity, check the refrigerant level as lower refrigerant levels may result in poor cooling. You must also get the compressor checked for optimal cooling.



The tire pressure is directly related to the temperature outside. As the temperature rises, the tire pressure increases. Get the tyre pressure checked at the right time to prevent an untimely blowout. An under inflated tyre can negatively affect the fuel economy resulting in increased fuel costs. You can improve the fuel efficiency of your car by keeping your tires inflated at the right time.


Accessories for your car

Apart from the regular service, you can buy some cool accessories for your car. These accessories will help you maintain your car and make it look stylish. A car vacuum cleaner will quickly clean up your vehicle and save your costs of professional car cleaning services. You can also buy sun shades for the car windows to combat the heat this summer. They will prevent harmful sun rays from entering the car. Another cool product for your car is a body cover which will protect the paint of your car when parked in sun.


You can buy quality car accessories online at pocket friendly prices. Car accessories include car cleaning kits, car equipments, car styling products, car perfumes and more.